BIPC 2024

Welcome Message

It is with great pleasure to announce the 12th Busan International Port Conference (BIPC) since it was first held in 2013.
This year holds a particular significance as it also marks the 20th anniversary of the Busan Port Authority, adding a special resonance to our gathering.

Starting this year, we have moved BIPC to September, making it an annual autumn event.
Under the theme "Ports in Unity : Connecting Continents," we aim to offer not only innovative programs unprecedented in previous conferences but also a platform for experts to share insights, successes, and even failures from global ports.
This exchange of knowledge will provide an opportunity to foster collaborative growth strategies for ports worldwide.

We cordially invite port-logistics related associates as well as those interested in our industries to join us. Your esteemed presence and continued support are integral to the success of the event.

We look forward to welcoming you to Busan Port on 24th of September, 2024.

CEO & President,
Busan Port Authority
KANG, Joon-suk